TOP Castor Oils. See the Best Ones You Can Use. Not Just on Lashes!

Castor oil usually makes people think of grandma’s home treatments that stimulate lashes or hair to grow. The truth is this oil has much more to offer. Its beauty benefits will surprise even the sceptics who don’t believe in its power. The choice of a good castor oil is the key thing and this is what we devote today’s post to. See best of the best castor bean oils!

Still, before presenting the products, let’s focus on castor oil alone. Everyone knows it exists but we tend to not know its components, effects and uses. Read our cheat sheet!

What’s worth-knowing about castor oil?


Castor oil is extracted from the castor beans. This is a popular garden plant with beautiful colorful leaves. The seeds hidden in the red, spiky fruit of the plant are high in oil which is usually extracted through cold-pressing so as not to lose the precious properties. This extraction method gives a goldish, thick and scentless castor oil which is widely available and you shouldn’t have problems finding it online or at the physical stores.


The properties of castor oil mostly depend on the extraction method. Cold-pressed and unrefined oil is the highest in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. One of the most precious ingredients is antibacterial ricinoleic acid which isn’t found in any other oil. Summing up, we need to choose our castor oil reasonably focusing on its quality.

What’s crucial, castor oil is one of the few water-soluble oils and that is why it works well for face cleansing with oils (OCM). Use it as a scalp treatment, lash or brow serum, nail strengthener and face-care oil worry-free because it:

  • prevents loss of hydration and dryness of skin.
  • strengthens, enhances the repair process and speeds up hair growth.
  • soothes irritated skin and reduces itchiness.
  • helps get rid of blemishes, acne.
  • enhances shine, softness and natural color of hair.
  • eliminates pimples and makes skin less oily.
  • extends and thickens the lashes and brows.

Which castor oil should you choose to enhance your beauty?


Natural beauty oils – cold-pressed, not refined, free from unnecessary additives – are the most beneficial. While shopping, it’s good to consider buying organic castor oil which is eco-friendly. The extraction method and quality of oils is often confirmed by certificates such as Ecocert or USDA so it’s good to search for the mark on the packaging. If a product doesn’t contain any synthetic enhancers and is 100% pure castor bean oil, you can be sure it’s going to work great.

Nevertheless, we should also check the reviews while planning to add castor oil to the beauty routine. A product which works for many users is very likely to work well for you too. In other words, the highly-rated oils recommended by bloggers and other consumers are the best choice.


Nanoil Castor Oil

natural oil Nanoil

Without doubts, this is the best castor oil: unrefined, cold-pressed, 100% organic. The product contains only castor bean oil with the Ecocert mark. Thanks to the lack of additives, naturalness and vegan formula, Nanoil Castor Oil works well for everyone. It can be used on hair (prevents hair loss, strengthens, thickens), facial skin (particularly if your skin is acne-prone and oily), to strengthen nails or condition the lashes and brows, and make them grow faster. Women will love Nanoil Castor Oil for the cleansing effect and feeling lightweight while men for grooming the beard and moustache. All benefits are possible thanks to properties of the goldish castor oil packed in a fancy bottle and recommended by professionals from the beauty field.

Buy your Nanoil Castor Oil (50 ml) here

Satin Naturel

We look at fancy products like Satin Naturel Castor Oil and simply want to have them. This oil is also cold-pressed and unrefined, working well for everyone, including vegans. The product isn’t certified organic but it does contain 100% castor oil without synthetics. This high-quality oil helps strengthen the hair, revitalize the skin and thicken the lashes. The product lasts you long because it’s got 200 ml. Too bad it’s pricey too.

Junglück Castor Oil

Another offering comes from another German brand: Junglück Castor Oil comes in a nice minimalist bottle. Because this is a cold-pressed pure castor oil without any additives, you can use it on the hair as well as skin, lashes, brows and nails. Castor oil from Junglück has a golden color, is aromaless and non-greasy, which is a good pick if you are sensitive to other products. Too bad the oil is really thick so it won’t last you long if you apply it regularly (despite 100-ml size).

Kreyol Essence Castor Oil

We need to list Kreyol Essence Oil among best-sellers. It is available in an aroma-less version without synthetics and in a few scented versions with additional substances like extracts from lavender, hibiscus, mango and papaya. All of them are designed for all-round beauty routine, not just hair care, but only the pure oil works for the sensitive skin. Kreyol Essence offers 100 ml of golden-colored and pretty fast-absorbing castor oil which doesn’t make hair or skin greasy. It accelerates growth, strengthens and maintains hydration.

Sunny Isle Castor Oil

Another noteworthy castor oil in a few size versions (e.g. 60 or 118 ml) comes from Sunny Isle. It’s called black castor oil but it has a gold color like other oils in the roundup. It works well for hair, body and face skin, as well as brows and lashes (in this case the application is bothersome because of lack of a convenient applicator). Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil helps inhibit hair loss, stimulates faster growth, conditions the skin and lessens blemishes. This is an organic product.